Tag Archives: Retirement


Smart Retirement Strategies Amid Changing World Demographics (Ep 51)

Is your retirement nest-egg safe from the unexpected shifts in global demographics, economy, and trade? Tune in to “Your Financial Advocate” podcast where Greg DuPont explores what the next 15 years may look like for pre-retirees and retirees.

Tune in to this episode and you will:

  • Grasp the economic, political, and sociological perspectives that could impact your retirement plan in the next 15 years
  • Gain insight into global demographic changes and how they’re poised to affect the workforce
  • Understand why being proactive and aware of changing market dynamics is crucial for financial stability
  • And more!

Don’t miss out on this insightful episode that could change the way you approach your retirement.

Recommended Reading: The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization by Peter Zeihan

Connect with Greg DuPont


Preparing for the Next Economic Revolution (Ep 50)

In this eye-opening episode, Greg DuPont dives deep into the potential for a massive market correction and the economic shifts we might face. You won’t want to miss Greg’s insights on preparing for financial upheavals and safeguarding your future.

Listen in as we discuss:

  • Historical Comparisons: They cyclical nature of historical economic “revolutions” and their impacts, drawing parallels to today’s situation
  • Key Influential Books: Discover key points from Ray Dalio’s “Principles for a Changing World Order” and “The Fourth Turning” by Neil Howe
  • Debt and Deficit Concerns: Recognize the staggering predictions for U.S. debt and unfunded liabilities by 2032
  • Tax Implications: Explore the potential for increased taxation as a means to address the growing fiscal imbalance, and how it may affect your family
  • Personal Financial Strategies: Learn about practical steps to protect your finances, such as Roth conversions and tax-free saving vehicles

Connect with Greg DuPont


Navigating Medicare with Suzanne McClain (Ep 49)

For many years we have been struggling to find a trusted partner in the Medicare industry, until Suzanne McClain came along!

Suzanne is a down-to-earth ‘Medicare Ninja’ that helps her clients find the right plan and potentially save thousands of dollars in the process.

Listen in as Greg and Suzanne discuss:

  • The importance of filing for Medicare at the right time to avoid penalties
  • How the “Medicare Joy” process can give you personalized advice, solutions and peace of mind
  • Case studies on how Suzanne has saved her clients hundreds of thousands of dollars
  • The significance of yearly reviews and plan adjustments
  • And more!

Connect with Suzanne McClain

Contact Greg DuPont

About Our Guest

Suzanne takes pride in advising her clients in the area of Medicare Supplements, Medicare Advantage Plans, and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plans.  She thoroughly enjoys learning about her clients and then finding the best insurance solutions to fit their unique and individual needs. As opposed to simply being just their Medicare Advisor, she aspires to be a true guide and looks to form long-lasting relationships with her clients. Helping hundreds of Medicare clients in central Ohio has earned Suzanne multiple sales awards with the various insurance carriers. Including being ranked in the top ten in the state and in the top twenty nationally. Still, she considers being selected as the “Official Medicare Advisor of the Columbus Bar Association” as one of her most prized achievements. Suzanne serves on the board of directors for the Columbus Association of Health Underwriters.  She has had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. and weigh in on legislation that positively impacts those on Medicare. When Suzanne is not engaged in heroics as the superwoman of Medicare, she is busy being the mom of two teenage boys and a wife to her husband of 20+ years. 


Navigating Retirement: Balancing Emotions and Finances with Lindsay Troxwell (Ep 47)

A few key factors determine if a person will have an enjoyable retirement or a sluggish one.

Many seniors worry about loosing their purpose in retirement and being bored, others look forward to the trips and unlimited free time.

In this episode, Greg sits down with Lindsay Troxell, Head Coach of Our Coaching Initiative, to explore the emotional and practical aspects of retirement planning.

Join Greg and Lindsay as they delve into the intricacies of pre-retirement financial planning and the transition into retirement life.

Lindsay discusses:

  • Strategies for managing energy levels to thrive in retirement
  • The importance of addressing emotional concerns during the transition to retirement
  • The role of identity and purpose in retirement planning
  • Resources available for both consumers and financial advisors navigating retirement planning
  • And more!

Connect With Lindsay Troxwell

30 Day Roadmap to Retirement Readiness Workbook

Connect with Gregory DuPont

About Our Guest:

Lindsay Troxwell is a Certified Life Coach and International speaker changing the landscape of financial services. Since 2005, Lindsay Troxell has worked thousands of teams across the United States and in Europe with a focus on practice management, business development, client experience, team dynamics, and mindset.


Simplifying the Complexity of Indexes with Laurence Black (Ep. 41)

Choosing the right index for your investment goals can be a daunting task, especially when there are millions of options available.

How do you know which one is best suited for your risk tolerance, time horizon, and expected returns? How do you evaluate the performance and design of different indexes and ETFs?

These are some of the questions that many investors face when they enter the world of index-linked products.

In this episode, Greg DuPont chats with Laurence Black, Founder of The Index Standard®,  a company that rates and evaluates ETFs and indices used in the insurance and structured product space. They explore the challenge of choosing the right index among the many available and the importance of forward-looking due diligence. Laurence emphasizes the need for diversification and preparing for unforeseen events in the investment world.

Together they discuss:

  • The importance of taking a forward-looking approach when choosing an index
  • The Index Standard’s three-step forecasting process
  • The significance of diversification in dealing with unknown risks and protecting oneself in the investment world
  • The benefits of exchange traded funds (ETFs) compared to mutual funds
  • How The Index Standard evaluates and categorizes the largest index-linked ETFs based on their robustness and design
  • The valuable insights you’ll gain from the training with Laurence, simplifying the complexity of insurance indices for informed decision-making
  • And more!

Connect With Laurence Black:

Connect with Greg DuPont:

About Our Guest:

Laurence Black is the founder of The Index Standard® and an index advisor to Robert J. Shiller, Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University.

Before founding The Index Standard®, Laurence was Managing Director and Head of Quantitative Indices and Strategies at Barclays, where he oversaw the development of the Barclays index family. In addition to designing some of the first smart beta/factor indices, Laurence spearheaded Barclays’ index partnerships with Professors Robert Shiller and Nouriel Roubini, as well as Novus Partners.

Before Barclays, Laurence was Head of Indices at ABN AMRO in London, where he successfully launched indices with well-known investors such as Jim Rogers and Joel Greenblatt. Before ABN AMRO, Laurence worked at Lehman Brothers, Deutsche Bank, and Credit Suisse.

Laurence holds an MBA from the University of Warwick and a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Cape Town. When not thinking about financial matters, he can mostly be found on a tennis court.


A Veterinary Venture From Scratch with Dr. Bimbo Welker (Ep.37)

The process of becoming an entrepreneur has never been nor will ever be easy.

However, if you are passionate about what you do and have experience, you can be successful.

In this episode of Your Financial Advocate, Greg DuPont sits down with Dr. Bimbo Welker to talk about his experience after leaving his role as the director of Veterinary Medicine at the Ohio State University to start his own food animal and equine veterinary services business in his 60s.

Dr. Welker discusses:

  • His background as a veterinary professional for 30 years
  • His experience after leaving his job in the academic world and starting Welker Veterinary Services
  • The steps he had to take to start this business without any prior experience
  • The economic differences between working for someone versus being a solo practitioner
  • The importance of liking what you do
  • His company’s present and future plans
  • And more!

Connect with Gregory DuPont:

Connect with Dr. Bimbo Welker:

About our guest:

Dr. Bimbo Welker is a 1980 DVM graduate of Texas A&M University and completed an MS in Veterinary Clinical Sciences at Ohio State in 1984. Dr. Welker has worked as a Clinical Associate Professor in the OSU College of Veterinary Medicine based at the Marysville clinic providing clinical service and teaching since 1991. After 28 years of providing veterinary service to the Marysville community, he retired from the OSU Large Animal ambulatory clinic in 2019 to found Welker Veterinary Services.


Preparing Yourself to be Financially Ready for Elderly Care (Ep.34)

52% of people turning 65 are going to need some type of long term care over their lifetime. Aging parents is something many of us are going to have to deal with at some point in our lives. 

In this episode, Greg DuPont talks about how important it is to start budgeting for your future healthcare costs and figuring out how your parents can budget for theirs. With the right planning, you can make this inevitable journey a lot smoother.

Greg discusses:

  • The nationwide average cost of elderly care per month
  • The difference between long term care and assisted living
  • How many retirees end up with dementia or some health issue
  • Strategies to help you save on long term care in the future
  • And more!

Connect with Gregory DuPont:


Lessons in Mutual Funds and Investments with John McConnell (Ep. 24)

Throughout the pandemic, you probably heard it countless times: “The days of living off of one job are over.” You must invest your money into either stock, bonds or mutual funds, so your money can make money. 

The next thought that takes over your mind may be, “why would I invest my money into something that I know nothing about? What if I invest $1000 in a mutual fund and the company goes bankrupt?”

In this episode, Greg DuPont is joined again by guest John McConnell, founder of McConnell Financial. This time around, they’re taking a break from discussing bonds and have now pivoted to discussing mutual funds and investments. 

Greg & John  discusses:

  • What a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) is 
  • How Floating Rate Funds work 
  • Why insurance companies are the safest place to invest money
  • And more!


Connect with Gregory DuPont:

Connect with John McConnell

About our guest:

John is passionate about sharing the truth around retirement planning. He started his career at Morgan Stanley and progressed into a long-term care and disability brokerage firm. He was later recruited by MetLife as one of six product specialists throughout the country. John was then sought out by one of the country’s largest distributors of retirement solutions before returning to his true calling of helping retirees navigate this unusual time that we now live in.


The Conundrum of Stocks and Bonds with John McConnell (Ep. 23)

The conversation around bonds may be a new discussion for many individuals. 

However, it’s important to understand what they are, their role in your portfolio and what you can expect from bonds in the future.

In this episode, Greg DuPont is joined by guest John McConnell, founder of McConnell Financial. With the rise in interest rates, you may start to see the cost of bonds decreasing. Especially if you are retiring soon, find out if you should consider these investments, or whether you should continue your investments in bonds.

Greg and John discuss:

  • Why the feds are raising interest rates
  • Bond funds vs. bond ETFs
  • Who can sell and buy bonds
  • The new and improved mutual funds
  • And more!

Connect with Gregory DuPont:

Connect with John McConnell

About our guest:

John is passionate about sharing the truth around retirement planning. He started his career at Morgan Stanley and progressed into a long-term care and disability brokerage firm. He was later recruited by MetLife as one of six product specialists throughout the country. John was then sought out by one of the country’s largest distributors of retirement solutions before returning to his true calling of helping retirees navigate this unusual time that we now live in.