Tag Archives: Economy


2024 Mid-Year Report – Part 1 (Ep 52)

In this episode of Your Financial Advocate, Greg DuPont, founder of Advocate Wealth Solutions, presents the first part of a mid-year market report for 2024. He unpacks what happened in the market during the first half of the year, including the key trends and events.

Tune into Episode 52 and you will learn:

  • Why the S&P 500 isn’t the only market indicator you should be paying attention to
  • How inflation and interest rate changes have impacted the market this year
  • How negative and positive economic indicators could predict what happens in 2025
  • The role of consumer sentiment in driving market trends
  • The impact of AI mentions in quarterly earnings calls and stock valuations
  • How the upcoming November election may affect the market

Don’t miss our next episode where we uncover economic predictions for the second half of 2024 and beyond!

Connect with Greg DuPont


Smart Retirement Strategies Amid Changing World Demographics (Ep 51)

Is your retirement nest-egg safe from the unexpected shifts in global demographics, economy, and trade? Tune in to “Your Financial Advocate” podcast where Greg DuPont explores what the next 15 years may look like for pre-retirees and retirees.

Tune in to this episode and you will:

  • Grasp the economic, political, and sociological perspectives that could impact your retirement plan in the next 15 years
  • Gain insight into global demographic changes and how they’re poised to affect the workforce
  • Understand why being proactive and aware of changing market dynamics is crucial for financial stability
  • And more!

Don’t miss out on this insightful episode that could change the way you approach your retirement.

Recommended Reading: The End of the World Is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization by Peter Zeihan

Connect with Greg DuPont


Preparing for the Next Economic Revolution (Ep 50)

In this eye-opening episode, Greg DuPont dives deep into the potential for a massive market correction and the economic shifts we might face. You won’t want to miss Greg’s insights on preparing for financial upheavals and safeguarding your future.

Listen in as we discuss:

  • Historical Comparisons: They cyclical nature of historical economic “revolutions” and their impacts, drawing parallels to today’s situation
  • Key Influential Books: Discover key points from Ray Dalio’s “Principles for a Changing World Order” and “The Fourth Turning” by Neil Howe
  • Debt and Deficit Concerns: Recognize the staggering predictions for U.S. debt and unfunded liabilities by 2032
  • Tax Implications: Explore the potential for increased taxation as a means to address the growing fiscal imbalance, and how it may affect your family
  • Personal Financial Strategies: Learn about practical steps to protect your finances, such as Roth conversions and tax-free saving vehicles

Connect with Greg DuPont


The State of the Market in 2024 (Ep. 42)

Welcome to an eye-opening exploration of what’s really happening with the markets as we usher in 2024. If you thought 2023 was a rollercoaster, prepare yourself for what this year has in store. In this episode, Greg dives into the unexpected twists and turns that shaped our economy last year, how the market is performing now, and what experts predict is yet to come.

Whether you’re managing your own portfolio or just curious about your financial future, understanding market dynamics gives you the power to make informed decisions and stay one step ahead. Knowledge is an investor’s best asset.

Greg discusses:

  • How the U.S. managed to sidestep a dreaded recession in 2023
  • The forces that propel market performance
  • What’s impacting GDP and the job market in Q1
  • What the economic experts foresee for 2024 and beyond
  • How to protect yourself from market turbulence
  • And more!

View the full presentation (with slides) on YouTube:

Connect with Gregory DuPont:


The Upcoming Paradigm Shift in the Economy (Ep.30)

Are we headed towards stormy seas when it comes to inflation and the economy? 

In this episode, Greg DuPont talks about why he believes there are some big changes that are going to happen to our lives in the next 10 – 20 years. With new technology, we can expect a longer life span, and with that comes many more possibilities we did not think possible.

Greg discusses:

  • The economic, demographic, and sociological changes on the horizon
  • Whether cash is the safest investment right now
  • What retiring later may be able to do for you
  • The opportunities available in the next few years
  • And more!


Book: Life Force by Tony Robbins

Connect with Gregory DuPont: