Tag Archives: Claim


Episode 14 – Vaccine Injury Claims — With Guest Braden Blumenstiel

Have you experienced an adverse reaction to a vaccine?

We can help! 

In this episode, Greg DuPont speaks with Braden Blumenstiel, partner at DuPont and Blumenstiel, LLC, as they discuss the facts, realities and remedies for people that have been injured in the administration of a vaccine. 

You will learn:

  • About the Vaccine Act of 1986
  • What happens when you have been injured as a result of a vaccination that you received
  • What an off table and on table injury is 
  • How a claim gets started and how long it takes to resolve one 
  • The type of expenses an injured person may face
  • And more!

Listen in to find out more about what you can do if you’ve been injured by a vaccine.

Resources: DuPont Wealth Solutions  | Gregory DuPont: (614) 408-0004 | Braden Blumenstiel | Vaccine Act Lawyers: (614) 389 – 9711 | Facebook Support Group | Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System | National Vaccine Information System